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/ Nautilus 1994 October / Nautilus CD Magazine Volume 4-10 October 1994 Windows Edition 4.tif (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: his tssue of NoutibusED incorporafes Valume 4-10 Windows Edition several fixes 10 Among the other Hautdustn things Startup it now yOu to display amecia extension In custom viewer of your choice, and Attention Hyou improves NautilustD' areo the hew text priating viewer esubscriber cupabilities simply of flow the installorion Pinstructians an the NatlusCD wside Instentted NuutiusED hard drive. HoublusCD flup of to.fun the Startup hookler Windows SETUPEXE You acconmpanying epplication to will be Program fo instell YOUT the Manager Groun willbe created Users! Hyou this opduted also have new urea to run version NautilusCD current 8 SETUPEXE still Stortup substrsber to install you application. will with the of HavitustD back to narder to yiew issues of prior to Volume 4-8, you will need to Pleus ...